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Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – Release, Date, Price, Rumors & Facts. All we know

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – Release, Date, Price, Rumors & Facts. All we know

Cyberpunk 2077 not enough for you? So check out what we already know about CD Projekt RED’s DLC pack.

CD Projekt Red had ambitious plans for Cyberpunk 2077 – it was supposed to have an online standalone mode (like GTA Online), several free add-ons and a huge paid add-on on the excellent “Blood and Wine” level of the latest adventures of the Witcher .

Unfortunately, the game’s mediocre premiere meant the Polish developer had to check their plans. We already know that work on the online mode has been abandoned.

All expansions have also been delayed. Initially, it was speculated that CD Projekt just wanted to bring Cyberpunk 2077 to a state of “relative playability” and then abandon the project and its further development.

However, this will not happen, because the “Redzi” still believes in the future of Cyberpunk 2077. This means that we can still count on more additions and add-ons.

We already know that both free and paid DLC will be coming to the game . What do we know about them now? When can we expect their premiere? Let’s check.

Also check:

Cyberpunk 2077 dlc

Cyberpunk 2077 content – paid vs. free, when and how much?

The first free additions to Cyberpunk 2077 were scheduled for release in early 2021. Which was officially announced by CD Projekt RED.

Cyberpunk 2077 dlc

Unfortunately, the game’s problems meant the Polish studio had to aggressively check its plans.

According to the latest official information, we can count on the first free DLC in the second half of 2021.

What about paid add-ons? This is a completely different story. We’ll have to wait for that, most likely, until 2022.

Cyberpunk 2077 dlc

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – Content

What can we count on in the case of Cyberpunk 2077 add-ons and expansions? From the information so far, we know that at least ten minor DLCs will be added to the game .

A list of 17 content packs contained in the game’s code has been published online. Their individual names indicate that we will receive, among others:

  • Ability to restart after completing the game (New Game Plus mode)
  • New character customization items (jackets, emotes)
  • The ability to modify the appearance of the character after starting the game
  • New tasks and orders
  • New opponents

The full list of free Cyberpunk 2077 DLCs found in the game code is as follows:

  • dlc1_batch
  • dlc2_jposes
  • dlc3_kab01
  • dlc4_quartz
  • dlc5_ jackets
  • dlc6_apart
  • dlc7_pwp
  • dlc8_mirror
  • dlc9_arr06
  • dlc10_ monster
  • dlc11_jlook
  • dlc12_m terminated
  • dlc13_twp
  • dlc14_arr12
  • dlc15_ngplus
  • dlc16_jpn06
  • dlc17_bwp

But what about paid extensions? CD Projekt RED has already confirmed that we can count on two large DLC packages , in the code of the game marked as EP1 and EP2 .

They will certainly introduce us to a completely new storyline, locations and tasks.

It is suggested that the first DLC will expand the Pacific region.

New systems and functions are also likely to await players, including the ability to customize vehicles (which were cut from the game just prior to its release).

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Content – Release Date

As we already know, the first free DLC should hit the game later this year . Most likely already in the fall. Soon, we should receive an update that will significantly “beautify” Cyberpunk 2077 on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S consoles.

It is possible that a Polish producer would like to release more DLC at regular intervals, say once a week, which would give them a steady supply of content for several months.

Cyberpunk 2077 dlc

Unfortunately, CD Projekt RED’s current plans don’t include paid DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 in 2021.

We can safely assume we’ll get first word of the add-on later this year, but its premiere will take place in the first half of 2022 at the earliest .

Cyberpunk 2077 DLC – Cena

The free DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 will be… free. Each game owner will be able to count on new content.

In the case of larger extensions, we can safely assume that their price will range between PLN 80 – PLN 120 (depending on the specific platform).

Update 1 – First Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Coming in July?

The first DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 is likely to appear soon .

Behind the scenes there are rumors about update 1.3 , the premiere of which may coincide with the release of the first addition to the game. During a recent “live” meeting, Pawe Sasko – lead quest designer at CD Projekt Red, revealed that the DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 will be released ” this month “.

is it july Unfortunately, this is unlikely. It’s possible that the developer meant “within a month,” which coincides with several previous rumors about DLC for Cyberpunk 2077.

So August promises to be a very hot month for game lovers.

It’s worth noting that this is definitely free and minor add-on content, and not one of the two big add-ons already confirmed by the Polish team.

However, we can say with confidence that Cyberpunk 2077 is slowly beginning its “second life”. The game is now fully playable and stable across all platforms and will start receiving new content soon.

It remains for us to keep our fingers crossed for further production development.

Update 2 – CD Projekt RED intentionally withheld DLC for Cyberpunk 2077? Polish studios are planning a new premiere of the game

Unfortunately, the latest reports have not been confirmed and Cyberpunk 2077 hasn’t received any new content yet . Furthermore, studio reps have been very inactive lately.

What could this mean? So far, the Polish developer has focused on “correcting” its latest product. Despite many problems and controversies, Cyberpunk 2077 continues to be a huge commercial success for the company.

However, CD Projekt understands that sales in the coming months and even years (as was the case with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt) could look much worse.

So it is suggested that the Polish studio is preparing to “re-release” CP2077 , how is that?

Well, we know very well that Cyberpunk 2077 will get not only free DLC, but also at least two major expansions.

Moreover, the next generation version of the game has already been announced, which will allow you to use the capabilities of Xbox Series X / S and PlayStation 5 .

Currently, CP2077 is in a playable state and the team can allocate more resources to the development of the game. There are more and more signs that CD Projekt RED wants to combine the release of patch 1.3 with the next generation update and the first DLC release.

All this to proudly (and loudly) start a new chapter in Cyberpunk 2077 history .

Such a “fresh start” will certainly attract new players to the game , especially since the current situation in the next-generation gaming hardware market looks much better.

PS5 alone has already reached over 10 million players. Xbox Series X / S also has record sales (in Microsoft’s history). So when can we expect new content for Cyberpunk 2077? If our assumptions are confirmed, unfortunately, not soon.

The CDPR plan will only work if the new content is free of bugs and bugs, so we can assume that the “new beginning” of Cyberpunk will happen this fall at the earliest.

Update 3 – CD Projekt RED reveals the first information about Update 1.3 and the free downloadable content

CD Projekt RED finally broke the silence and revealed the first information about Update 1.3 . What exactly can we count on? This time around (for a change) Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.3 will not focus on bug fixes but on core game changes and the addition of new content.

It has already been confirmed that we will get a reworked mini-map , which will now be much more functional and clear. The changes will also affect the ” cloud “, which should make it easier for players to understand. You can see exactly what this means in the article below.

However, this is not the end of the good news, after months of waiting, players will finally be able to tweak and change perks . Cyberpunk 2077 has an extensive character creation and development system.

However, until now, the only way to try out a different style of play was to start the game over. With the advent of update 1.3, we will be able to change our skills at any time by completely rebuilding the character.

The new feature is intended to be ” easily available and affordable ” – which may mean that a visit to moderators will be necessary.

Is that all? Apparently not, today (August 17) at 18:00 CET there will be a special broadcast (on Twitch ) with the participation of developers who will give detailed information about Update 1.3 of Cyberpunk 2077. It is possible that we will also receive news about the first DLCs Complimentary .

Update 4 – The first free DLC has been revealed!

We had to wait nine long months for the first “new” content for Cyberpunk 2077 to be revealed . CD Projekt RED has finally officially announced that with the 1.3 update, the game will also receive its first package of free DLCs .

However, if you were hoping for something really interesting in H10 (like the ability to change your appearance after starting the game), we have to disappoint you.

We will have at our disposal:

Johnny Silverhand’s alternate look

Johnny Silverhand
Johnny Silverhand (fot. CD Projekt RED)

New car

DLC car (Photo: CD Projekt RED)

Two new jackets for V

Projekt RED cyberpunk 2077 CD
Cyberpunk 2077 DLC (Image: CD Projekt RED)

Unfortunately, that’s it, the above DLC will appear with update 1.3, which should hit the game servers “soon”.

Update 5 – Don’t count on the imminent DLC premiere for Cyberpunk 2077, we’ll also be waiting for the next-gen release

We don’t have the best news for Cyberpunk 2077 fans . If you’ve been counting on the imminent release of an update intended for next-gen consoles ( PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X ) and substantial DLC , unfortunately you’ll have to be patient.

During a meeting with investors, Michał Nowakowski – Vice President of CD Projekt RED revealed that his company cannot guarantee that in 2021 a new version of Cyberpunk 2077 will be released for PS5 and XSX owners .

An improved Witcher may befall a similar fate. CD Projekt RED does not want to repeat the mistakes of the past and release an incomplete product.

Our goal is to launch the next generation version of Cyberpunk 2077 by the end of this year. At the same time, taking into account the lessons learned over the past year and given that this project is still in development, we cannot say with absolute certainty that the production schedule will not change – Michal Nowakowski.

Currently, the best case scenario assumes that Cyberpunk 2077 will hit PS5 and Xbox Series X at the end of this year. This means that (considering CD Projekt’s current work schedule) we can forget about the premiere of a major expansion of Cyberpunk 2077 this year .

The situation is slightly different with the update to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , because CD Projekt RED is not directly responsible for the improved version, but its subcontractor – Saber Interactive.

For The Witcher 3, things are a little different, because it’s mainly handled by an outside team, which is Saber Interactive, a company we’ve worked with before on Switch, and also on updates in the past – Michał Nowakowski.

However, a representative of “Red” confirmed that he hopes the remastered versions of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will come to us later this year.

Update 6 – DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 In Question? Much depends on the Xbox Series X / S and PS5 version of the game

We’ve had to wait a long time for new news about the future of Cyberpunk 2077 . We already know that the version of the game for Xbox Series X / S and PlayStation 5 will reach us in the first quarter of 2022 .

The owners of CD Projekt RED do not hide that they have high hopes for it and it could be a “fresh start” for the latest game from “RED”. Moreover, the potential creation of DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 may also depend on the success of the next-gen release.

However, regardless of the success of Cyberpunk on the PS5 and Xbox Series, this brand remains crucial for the Polish studio .

At least, said Adam Kiesinski – one of the leaders of CDPR RED. Moreover, he also revealed that parallel work on two AAA projects will start next year .

One of them is definitely a new game in the Witcher universe (the alleged Witcher 4). The second part is related to Cyberpunk 2077. Unfortunately, we do not know if it is a completely new part of the series or DLC of an existing work.

We are currently focusing on two franchises. Both have great potential, so one of our strategic goals is to start parallel work on AAA projects within our IPs, which is expected next year – Adam Kiciński

Let us remind you that even before the premiere of the latest production of CD Projekt RED, the studio bosses announced that it would receive two story expansions on the level of “Blood and Wine” and “Heart of Stone” from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

We’ll probably have to wait for the first official information about potential Cyberpunk 2077 DLCs until the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions debut.

Update 7 – Projekt Red CD may work on Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition

We have received a lot of interesting information about the future of Cyberpunk 2077. According to the latest “leaks”, CD Projekt Red is preparing to present a completely new version of the game , which will also be a “soft reboot” of the game. Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition – since we are talking about it, will debut in parallel with the game update for the next generation consoles – Xbox Series X / S and PlayStation 5. In addition to better sound and visuals, the new version will also bring a number of fixes and novelties that It will debut as patch 1.5.

What exactly can we count on? Update 1.5 will introduce to the game, among others:

  • barbers
  • conversion system
  • garage
  • New user interface
  • Significantly improved NPC AI
  • Completely revamped loot system

However, this is not the end, Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition will also include new free DLC , which will include: four new weapons, the ability to customize the apartment and the “new game plus” system.

We also learned the first details about the game’s paid expansion .

The first DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 will take us to the Pacifica region, which aims not only to impress with its scale, but also to provide players with a completely new way to explore the world (similar to games from the STALKER series). There will also be new enemies, weapons, and a storyline.

According to the whistleblower, Cyberpunk 2077: Samurai Edition and its first DLC will be presented in early January and February 2022 .

Update 8 – CD Projekt Red announces a news broadcast for Cyberpunk 2077

We had to wait a long time for the first official information this year about the future of Cyberpunk 2077. Fortunately, today that will change.

As announced by representatives of CD Projekt Red, today – February 15, at 16:00 CET, there will be a broadcast on the Twitch platform, during which we will learn new information about Cyberpunk 2077.

Everything indicates that we will finally receive a specific console release date for the game PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S. It is likely that, by the way, we will also receive new news about update 1.5, which, according to previous rumors, will debut simultaneously with the release of Next generation.

Does CD Projekt Red surprise us with anything else on the air? We’re quietly counting on the first mention of paid DLC.

Update 9 – Three new free DLCs have arrived in the game

CD Projekt Red decided to surprise us yesterday and not only introduced several new products that are going to Cyberpunk 2077, but they were immediately made available to us.

So not only have we received an update for our next generation consoles – PS5 and Xbox Series X / S, but we have also received update 1.5. But that’s not all, three free DLC packs have been added to the game:

  • Two new weapons are available for purchase in a special shop
  • Possibility to change V’s appearance after starting the game (use the mirror in the apartment)
  • 4 new apartments for rent and the possibility of furnishing them

Unfortunately, CD Projekt Red hasn’t said a word about paid DLC. This is pretty annoying, but the Polish studio will likely want to wait with more announcements after hearing the reactions to the next-gen release of Cyberpunk 2077.

Update 10 – CD Projekt Red has confirmed work on the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion!

We’ve had to wait a long time for this to happen, but it’s finally here – official confirmation of work on DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. Although it must be admitted that it’s quite unusual.

CD Projekt RED has officially announced work on a new game in the Witcher series, which is likely to introduce us to completely new heroes. By the way, we learned that all new games from the Polish developer will be developed on Unreal Engine 5.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that the exception would be “the upcoming addition to Cyberpunk 2077 “, which will still use REDengine technology.

While this isn’t our dream announcement of an expansion, fans of the cyberpunk world can already be wringing their hands. Update 1.5 and the build of Cyberpunk 2077 showed that both CD Projekt RED and the game itself still have a lot of potential.

Let’s hope that the next addition to the game will be qualitatively similar to the excellent “Blood and Wine” of the third Witcher. Then we would forgive “RED” almost all sins, right?

Update 11 – Cyberpunk 2077 is a major brand for CD Projekt RED. The game will receive another update and some downloadable content

We already officially know that Cyberpunk 2077 will get a huge feature expansion. However, the studio’s recent announcement may indicate that support for CD Projekt RED’s latest game will end with one additional content.

As it turns out, it’s completely different. Pawe Sasko – one of the main creators of the game – decided to explain all the fuss around the Cyberpunk 2077 DLC. Speaking to the gaming community, he confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive more than one expansion.

Moreover, the development team is constantly growing to provide not only new paid content, but also more free updates.

I can’t say anything about our plans for the future. But I can assure you that we’re working on add-ons – we’re working on things for you guys. We are still working on improving the game because we all know there is work to be done. We’re so glad you liked v1.5, and it gives us even more… motivation to work for you, because you show us your gratitude. That’s all I can tell you. We are working on things for you. Every day I literally go through quests, I talk to people about different things, so this is what happens – Bowie Sasko.

It is even possible that the third person view that fans have been waiting for will be added to the game. At least that’s what CD Projekt RED has posted on their website’s presentation of job offers.

Polish studio is looking for a camera developer. The job description says: “ CD Projekt RED Vancouver is looking for a developer with experience creating real-time third-person cameras .” In addition, the Polish studio will also hire a character animation specialist, which may also indicate that work is underway to provide players with a third-person view.

Cyberpunk 2077 may receive a third-person view
Cyberpunk 2077 may receive a third-person perspective (photo

For now, that’s all we’ve been able to find out about the DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. However, you can be sure that as soon as more information comes out, we’ll let you know right away.

SEE ALSO: Cyberpunk 2077 is finally here in all its glory on consoles


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