Learn how to make money from Youtube, and earn big profits

Learn how to make money from Youtube, and earn big profits
Lots of people today are earning thousands of rupees from Youtube and that’s just right, you should know this too. That’s why you want to know how to make money from YouTube. Are you also r make money from outube i want to but you dont know how to make money from youtube.
Millions of videos are uploaded to Youtube every day. Its sole purpose is to make money from YouTube. Now it comes to how these people make money from Youtube. Today we will give you complete information on this topic. After reading this entire post, you will know every way to make money from YouTube.
Well, there are many ways to make money from the internet. We you about the 5 best ways to make money from the Internet already said. YouTube is the best way to make money online
Find out complete information about how to make money online
Internet became cheap and fast after Jio arrived in India and since then youtube has become a way to make money in India. You can also call it an online business. Today everyone loves to watch videos on YouTube. Any youtube video maker earns money. Who do you call youtube?
First of all, let’s know that what is YouTube and how does it work? Which will help you to earn money from YouTube.
What is youtube?
Youtube is a video sharing platform. Anyone in the world can upload a video to it. This is a free platform. For which you do not have to pay any kind of money.
Youtube which is a Google service and like another service from Google, you can watch youtube app in every smartphone. Therefore, the chances of a video uploaded on YouTube going viral are very high as compared to any other online platform.
To upload YouTube videos, you must create a YouTube account. Youtube channel says.
How does YouTube work
YouTube is the second largest search engine. Where millions of people search every day. To bring your video up in search, you must use keywords in title, tag, and description.
One of the special features of Youtube is that it promotes automatic video. If you watch a video, it is recommended that you use several videos related to it. Getting more views on a video also depends on the subscriber to the channel.
When you watch a video on YouTube. So before the start of the video or before the end of the video, every YouTuber asks to subscribe to our channel.
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This is because youtube operates on subscriber base. The more subscribers your YouTube channel has, the more people your video will reach. Who will get the maximum number of views.
Create a YouTube channel and upload videos – Create a YouTube channel
First of all you have to create a YouTube channel. For this you Gmail account will be required. With the help you will create your own YouTube channel.
Name your YouTube channel in a unique, short and easy to remember way.
Design the channel image and logo to make your channel professional.
Make a video intro for your YouTube channel.
Upload the created videos to your channel. That is only your copyright.
After uploading the video, share it to your friends and on social media that gets more views.
Ask people to subscribe to the channel in your video.
When people start liking your channel video the views and subscribers of your video will also increase then you can start earning money from your channel. There are many ways to make money from youtube.
Ways to make money from youtube
We are going to tell you these ways to make money from YouTube which is very easy. Using these methods, you can earn Rs from YouTube.
Google Adsense
Biggest YouTuber Google Adsense earns money from YouTube just by using it. If you also want to make money from youtube then you will have to monetize youtube channel from google.
First of all, you have to enable monetization of your YouTube channel by going to YouTube channel setting.
After that you have to create an account in google adsense using gmail.
When monetization is turned on in your channel, ads appear on your video that pay you.
The more people will see your video winning, the more you will earn.
The money earned from your youtube video comes to your google adsense account which you can transfer to your bank account.
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Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing with the help of this you can earn a lot of money. For this, you have to give a link to the product of any similar online selling company in your YouTube description box and when someone buys it by clicking on it, you get their commission.
First of all, you have to join the affiliate program. Like Amazon, flipkart, sanpdeal, clickbank, etc.
Now create an affiliate link for the product you want to sell.
Now promote this similar thing in your video. And give the link of this product in the description box, which if someone buys it, you will get the commission money.
You will see the affiliate link in the description box for every big YouTube user.
When your Youtube channel becomes popular, you sponsor the meet starts that have given you a good sum. The more popular your YouTube channel is, the more sponsorship and money will be for you.
This is a very good way to make money from YouTube, so you have made the most subscribers on your youtube channel. Because only after you have 5,000 subscribers can you apply for sponsorship.
We have told you all the ways that every YouTube user uses and earns money. But google adsense is the most used out of all these. This is the main source of earn money from youtube that is why you should have all the information on how to enable monetization of youtube channel from google.
It is important for every new Youtuber to have a look at Youtube
There was a time when most people did not know what YouTube is and how to make money from YouTube. At that time, few people were working on YouTube. This was the time when they started making money by putting any video on YouTube from day one.
But when Reliance Jio came to India, people started watching videos on YouTube. The reason for this is that the Internet is cheap and fast. Now everyone is starting to watch videos on YouTube. Many new youtube creators have started working on youtube. Also, anyone can make a video and post it to YouTube and earn money from it.
After this came the update from YouTube, where it was said that when your YouTube channel gets 10,000 views, you can just start earning money from YouTube channel. It was very easy to get 10,000 views with internet being cheap and fast.
But YouTube has been hurt somewhere by the fake clicks on the ad shown by YouTube. It was hurting a YouTube advertiser. As a result, he has cut back the ads on YouTube quite a bit.
Now some time ago, a new update came from YouTube, in which it was said that to make money from YouTube channel, you first have to complete 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch time on your channel, in just one year after that the channel will be enabled and you will be able to start making money.
Friends, in this post we will show you how to make money from YouTube all the information about this has been given. I hope friends, this post should be useful and useful to you. If you liked our post and you must have found it useful, if you liked our article, give it a try. But definitely share it with your friends and then if you face any problem then definitely tell us in the comment.
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