Messenger: on-screen message (screenshot)
Messenger: on-screen message (screenshot)
Messenger will show us a message when our interviewer takes a screenshot of the supposedly confidential message. Good change, but will it change something?
Messenger will notify you that someone has taken a screenshot
Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular instant messaging services – used not only for private messaging, but also for more or less business discussions. It is also a place where attempts at fraud and other forms of breaking the law often take place. In this case, a screenshot comes in handy, to prove what happened. At the moment, the perpetrators do not know that their interlocutors are taking screenshots. This, however, will change.
The same CEO, that is, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the introduction of new solutions in the field of widely understood privacy. Among them are notifications that our interlocutor has taken a screenshot . This applies to screenshots that show parts of a conversation where end-to-end encryption has been used that will disappear automatically after a certain period of time. According to the assumption, such a conversation should be available only to both parties – without the possibility of being “heard” by someone in between.
Change… who wouldn’t change anything?
So this new feature is being introduced not to alert potential criminals, but to protect the privacy of those who have chosen to “disappear conversations” and thus only wish to pass on a (most likely confidential) message, not leave it in their minds. And sure – Facebook won’t block these screenshots, but at least the other party will realize they were made. Of course, you can also take a photo instead of a screenshot … so the question remains, will it change anything. A positive answer would be somewhat naive.
Source: Meta, Ubergizmo, SlashGear, and private information