
What is SMPS and how does it work

What is SMPS and how does it work

Do you know that what is SMPS and every person who uses a computer in today’s world, whether it is a desktop or a laptop, but there are different parts inside it, so these parts need electricity, but this electricity is much less than what we use in our house, like Talk about TV , FRIDGE, IRON, OVEN Vagera, they all use Direct 220V-240V, but if we direct this voltage to parts of the computer, then everything will burn, so how much power does the computer need, today I will tell you how is the voltage controlled inside the computer and what it does , let’s find out what is SMPS and

What is SMPS

The whole form of SMPS is switching mode power supply and this is an electronic circuit, if you buy separately for desktop, you will get some square shape box, like SMPS, it gives power to different parts of the computer like RAM, motherboard and fan. By the way, electricity is transmitted from the motherboard to different parts.

Now we know a little about its operation, so when it is first given to the computer from the mains mean the home board, it stays first in AC (alternate current) form after that when the SMPS is from the AC computer. When approaching, the SMPS converts it to DC, so it uses a capacitor and a DIODE, it switches the switch to ON and sometimes OFF with the help of a regulator, that means it changes the switching mode, sometimes DC to AC. It converts and sometimes alternating current into direct current, hence its name as Switch Mode Power Supply. Now you know what Switch Mode Power Supply is.

How does SMPS work

, the output of this process is Pure DC and it was given to the switching transistor, here we use two NPN transistors, which with the help of the switching cycle again gives the AC output, and we give this to do another process called SM transformer, so it was about the primary circuit of SMPS, after That is given back to the rectifier and filter which is given back to that AC source and once to Smooth DC (one thing to remember is that the current that comes from the transformer at home is AC and the Bat current that comes in the tery is DC ) After this action, the output that comes out is in three forms, 12VOLT, 5 VOLT, 3 VOLT. This is the primary and secondary circuit of the SMPS.

But the rectifier and filter of the primary circuit will be connected to the output starter transfer device and it will be connected to another Amlifier IC which has three output wires, and the amplifier IC is the SMPS area where there is complete management work on the drive. Three main cables come out of the Amlifier IC, one of which is green and is a Power on Cable, the second one comes in violet that gives straightening with a current of +5V, and the third comes in gray and is called a Power Bood cable.

These three output cables are given to the motherboard. Switching transistor and amplifier IC is connected to a motor and controlled by an amplifier IC. The sensing wire comes from the secondary switching circuit, which tells the IC Amplifier that the load is increasing, while at the same time the driver which increases the switching on and off, which maintains the voltage gain at a constant speed. They are +12V, +5V and +3V and this process is called voltage switching mode. When the green cable is turned on, 12V, 5V and 3V are received from the SMPS to the motherboard. This is how SMPS works.

What is direct current and alternating current?

By the way, current means the flow of charge. These are of two types

1. Direct
current 2. Alternating current

In alternating current, the flow of charge is in both directions, here from positive to negative and from negative to positive, but if we talk about direct current, then its flow is in one direction, that is, from negative to positive.

A good example of this is the battery that you use in your TV and watch, as DC current comes out of the battery.

Let’s understand a little better that the electricity that comes into your house is an example of alternating current and that the battery in the remote control is direct current, if our computer needs DC, so to convert the alternating current to DC, which is the current of the device what It is used is your SMPS.

SMPS types

1. DC to DC
converter 2. Forward converting
3. Flyback converter
4. Flyback self-swinging converter

1. DC Sublimation DC

This is a type of SMPS transformer where the current coming into the SMPS is AC, before converting it to DC, the current going through the DC transformer first passes through the primary side of the Step Down Transformer. , that is the stepping transmission is part of the SMPS which is 50 Hz, and this voltage goes to the secondary part of the rectifier and filter hook bus, now it comes out of the output voltage power and is transmitted to different parts. The output of this is sent back to the switch. to control the voltage.

2. Forward conversion

This is also a transformer that takes current through the choke, whether the transistor is on or not. When the transistor is completely off, this work is done by the diode. For this reason, the power that goes into the load is at the time of shutdown and on, but conserves the choke power, at the time of operation and sends some power to the output load.

3. Flyback adapter

In this flyback transformer, the inductor’s magnetic field stores energy when the switch is in the ON position. When the switch is in the on position, the power output is empty in the voltage circuit. The duty cycle defines the output voltage. This is her job.

4. Flyback adapter self-swinging

This is the easiest and most basic adapter that works on Flyback. At the connection time, the shunt transistor increases mainly linearly according to the slope of the transmission, which is Vin/Lp.

Depending on the type of SMPS used

The type of power source depends on its size and use. Their types are AT SMPS, ATx SMPS, and Baby SMPS. But mostly AT and ATx are used more.

Here the full form of AT SMPS is Advance Technology SMPS, and the full name of ATx SMPS is Advance Technology Extended SMPS.

SMPS Connectors

1. 20 + 4 pin ATX
This is the motherboard connector, this connector gives the motherboard +12V charging. This connector uses AT SMPS 20 and ATX SMPS 24 Pin. A 24-pin connector and a 24-pin motherboard are used.

2. CPU4 + 4 Pin
Connector This connector is necessary for a CPU that uses 4 pins all at 12V and there is a connector called SATA Power Connector.

3. SATA power connector
Computers have a hard disk and DVD ROM, this power connector gives them power. This was some info about the SMPS power connector. This is a 4-pin connector.

What will SMPS look like in the future

From now on, there will be more special SMPS that can convert voltage well and can be done easily.

  • Can give more production
  • It can take more effort and output less effort
  • The power capacity can be increased
  • Switch mode to work faster

My final verdict

So friends, you must have liked today’s information very much, I hope this information will be useful to you and if you repair the devices, then you are more useful, by the way, you became able to. What is SMPS You can answer this question, with this SMPS this has a huge contribution to our computer, you also got to know how this device works, with the help of Switch Mode Power Supply technology, it is miniaturized. And it can be installed in a small device, if you still want to ask any question then definitely write in the comment box below and subscribe to our blog, Jai Hind Thank you.

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