Elon Musk. The richest man in the world will pay $11 billion in taxes

Elon Musk. The richest man in the world will pay $11 billion in taxes
Elon Musk announced on Twitter that he will pay $11 billion in taxes this year. And so has the world’s richest man reacted to criticism about his alleged tax evasion.
Earlier this week, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren tweeted that Musk should stop “snooping for absolutely free.” “Let’s change the fraudulent tax system so that the ‘man of the year’ actually pays taxes,” the politician wrote.
Elon Musk on his taxes
US President Joe Biden is also an advocate of raising taxes on the rich, although legislative plans on the relevant draft have faltered in Congress. Elizabeth Warren is also demanding taxes on the increased value of her assets, such as stocks.
Many of America’s richest citizens do not receive directly taxable wages. Instead, they keep their holdings in stocks and other assets.
The billionaire replied, “To those who are interested: I will pay over $11 billion in taxes this year.” “This is more than any American in history,” he added.
Elon Musk, the co-founder of electric car maker Tesla and spacecraft maker SpaceX, became the world’s richest man earlier this year. The Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimates his net worth at $245 billion, Tesla is worth about $1 trillion, and SpaceX is worth $100 billion.
Last week, Musk was named Time magazine’s Man of the Year.
Main image source: unsplash
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