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What is NATO? in full

What is NATO? in full

What is NATO, what does the full NATO look like and what are its member states (NATO members or NATO countries)? NATO is discussed during Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Russia attacked Ukraine because it does not want Ukraine to become a member of NATO. While Ukraine tried to become a member of NATO. In such a situation, it is important to know what this organization is called NATO, which countries are involved in it and how it works. Let’s know.

Due to the fear of a Russian attack in Ukraine, NATO countries were said to have equipped their army as well. But the truth is that only Ukraine is facing an attack from Russia.

General Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO’s Western Military Alliance, issued a statement saying that NATO would take all necessary steps to protect allies. But at the moment it looks like that.

So let’s find out what this NATO is, how does it work and what countries are involved in it? nato kya hai, nato me kaun-kaunse desh shamil hai, nato cuntries, nato members

What is NATO? What is NATO | NATO in full form

NATO is a military alliance. full formnorthoaAtlantic OceanThereditaryaOrganization of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It was founded on April 4, 1949. Its headquarters are in Brussels (Belgium).

The organization created a system of collective security, in which member states agree to cooperate with each other in the event of an external attack.

The organization was little more than a political organization in the first few years of its formation. But the Korean War acted as a catalyst for the member states and a unified military structure was created under the guidance of two senior American commanders. Lord Ismay became the first Secretary-General of NATO, whose organization remarks were aimed “to keep out the Russians, the Americans below, the Germans below”.

Like relations in Europe and America, the strength of the organization fluctuated. Under these circumstances, France withdrew from the NATO military structure since 1966, thus becoming an independent nuclear deterrent. On February 6, 2019, Macedonia became the 30th member of NATO.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the organization moved east into the Balkans, and several Warsaw Pact countries joined the alliance in 1999 and 2004. With the admission of Albania and Croatia on April 1, 2009, the alliance’s membership increased to 28. NATO is preparing again to meet new challenges Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2009 in the United States, including the deployment of troops to Afghanistan and the deployment of trainers to Iraq.

The Berlin Plus Agreement is a comprehensive package signed between NATO and the European Union on December 16, 2002, which gives the European Union freedom to use NATO assets to operate in the event of an international conflict, provided that NATO makes no progress in this direction. You don’t want to take action. Combined military spending of all NATO members accounts for more than 70% of global defense spending, with the US alone accounting for half of global military spending and the UK, France, Germany and Italy spending 15%.

What countries does NATO include?

When NATO was formed, the United States, Britain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal were the 12 founding members. Nowadays it has 30 members (NATO countries). Macedonia is Newest member to join in 2020.

These countries are: – Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, representative of the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Holland, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

NATO history

After World War II, there was a rapid development of the Cold War between the two superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, which appeared on the world stage. Under Fulton’s letter and the Truman Doctrine, when asked to stop the spread of communism, the Soviet Union in response violated international treaties and banned Berlin in 1948. In this sequence, he believed that an organization should be created, whose combined forces could protect. Member’s country.

Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg signed the Treaty of Brussels in March 1948. Its purpose was collective military assistance and social and economic cooperation. Also, the treaties promised that should any of them be attacked in Europe, the remaining four nations would provide all possible assistance.

Against this background, with the blockade of Berlin and the growing Soviet influence in mind, the United States took the situation into its own hands and created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), taking the first, very strong step towards a military bloc. The North Atlantic Treaty was signed taking into account the provisions of regional organizations in Article 15 of the Charter of the United Nations. It was founded on April 4, 1949 in Washington, and signed by 12 countries. These countries were France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Portugal and the United States.

Before the end of the Cold War, Greece, Turkey, West Germany, and Spain also became members, and even after the Cold War, the number of NATO members continued to expand. In 1999, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic joined the Missouri Convention, increasing the number of members to 19. In March 2004, 7 new countries joined its membership, as a result of which the number of members increased to 26. Its headquarters is in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

Reasons for creating NATO

After World War II, the Soviet Union refused to withdraw its forces from Eastern Europe and attempted to establish a communist regime there. America took advantage of that and raised anti-communist slogans. He warned European countries of the communist danger. As a result, European countries agreed to create an organization that would protect them.

Western European countries suffered greatly during World War II. Therefore, America represented a great hope for rebuilding their economy, so they supported America’s creation of NATO.

NATO goal

  1. Act as a barrier during the conquest of Europe.
  2. Stop the so-called expansion of the Soviet Union in Western Europe and prepare the people mentally in case of war.
  3. To provide a protective umbrella for European countries through their military and economic development programmes.
  4. To organize the countries of Western Europe in one thread.
  5. Thus NATO’s goal was to protect the “free world” as a commitment to communism and, if possible, to America’s commitment to defeating communism.
    The six member states of NATO act as security forces among the other countries.

NATO structure

NATO is headquartered in Brussels. Its structure consists of 4 parts-

  1. Council: This is the highest member of the Nut. It is made up of ministers of state. Its ministerial meeting is held once a year. The main responsibility of the Council is to implement the terms of the agreement.
  2. Sub-Council: This council is a council of diplomatic representatives appointed by NATO member states. They deal with matters of common concern related to the organization of NATO.
  3. Defense Committee: It consists of defense ministers of NATO member states. Its main task is to discuss topics related to defense, strategy and military in NATO and non-NATO countries.
  4. Military Committee: Its main function is to advise the NATO Council and its Defense Committee. It consists of the chiefs of staff of the army of the member states.

The role and nature of NATO

  1. The nature and role of the Naat can be understood in light of the provisions of the treaty. The signatories, as stated at the beginning of the treaty, are committed to the responsibility to protect the freedom, historical heritage and civilization of their people, and democratic values, individual liberty, and the rule of law in the member states. It would be the duty of these states to cooperate with one another, and thus this treaty took the form of a cooperative treaty.
  2. Article 5 of the provisions of the treaty states that in the event of an attack on any one or more than one country in the treaty, it is considered an attack on all the signatory nations and all signatories must unite. . This situation was resolved through military action. From this point of view, the nature of that treaty is to provide a security umbrella for member states.
  3. The Soviet Union described NATO as a military organization of imperialist and aggressive countries and declared it anti-communist in nature.

NATO effect

  1. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, created under the auspices of Western Europe, strengthened the integration of Western Europe. It has established great cooperation among its members.
  2. For the first time in history, the powers of Western Europe accepted the permanent subordination of some of their armies to an international military organization.
  3. By ensuring the military security of European countries devastated by World War II, the United States gave both countries a security zone in which they could without fear carry out economic and military development programs.
  4. With the formation of NATO, the American policy of isolation ended and it could no longer remain neutral regarding European issues.
  5. The formation of NATO fueled the Cold War. The Soviet Union saw this as opposition to communism and in response tried to consolidate its influence in Eastern European countries by organizing a military organization called the Warsaw Pact.
  6. NATO also affected the foreign policy of the United States. No one was willing to listen to any discussion against its foreign policy and America’s increased involvement in Europe through NATO.
  7. The excessive American intervention in Europe made the European countries believe that the social and economic problems of Europe should be solved from the European point of view. This approach paved the way for the formation of the European Community.

NATO Expansion: NATO After the Cold War

After the creation of NATO, the war between these two superpowers of the world, especially in Europe, the United States and the then Soviet Union, began to take a dangerous turn, and NATO, to confront the Soviet Union, became the socialists of the countries of the East. Europe: Warsaw is organized with countries in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Treaty established.

The Cold War also ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990-1991. The Warsaw Pact has also expired. But America did not dissolve NATO, but NATO expanded further under American leadership. In such a situation, the question arises: What justified the formation of this organization in the Cold War era for the existence after the end of the Cold War?

The United States redefined the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era. Within the framework of this, it was said to be a means of developing cooperation and interrelations in the whole regions of Europe. Not only this, it has also attempted to legitimize the role of NATS in developing and disseminating democratic values ​​and ideals.

America removed the role of NATO from the factional politics of the Cold War and gave it a global character. NATO is now considered important in keeping the peace. And besides this, its role in eliminating international terrorism is emphasized. The role of NATO and its expansion after the Cold War can be seen in the following points:

  • During the 1991 Gulf War, Albania received civilian and military assistance from NOTO.
  • The role of NATO was also important in the context of collective security. She spoke of fighting international terrorism and protecting “rogue states” that threaten humanity. The 2002 Prague Summit proposed the creation of a rapid response force under NATO auspices to counter terrorist attacks and the responses of rogue states.
  • NATO membership does not discriminate against ideological and former opposition parties. In the 1991 Missouri Convention, membership was granted to three new nations, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. As a result, the number of members increased to 19, and the total number of members and members increased to 26 in the Cold War era namely Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovenia. In this way the countries of Eastern Europe are now joined. Strengthening the integration of NATO and Europe.
  • على الرغم من أن روسيا قد أعربت في البداية عن قلقها بشأن توسع الناتو ، وفقًا للوضع الدولي المتغير ، إلا أن هناك حديثًا عن إخضاع روسيا له من أجل التعاون المتبادل مع الدول الأعضاء في الناتو. أكد الأمين العام لحلف الناتو والأمين العام للأمم المتحدة على الجوانب الإيجابية لتوسيع الناتو ، ووفقًا لهما فإنه سيعزز التعاون المتبادل من خلال تعزيز العلاقات السياسية والاقتصادية. إن توسع الناتو لا يمثل تهديدًا لروسيا. الناتو يحتاج إلى روسيا وروسيا بحاجة إلى الناتو.

خرج الناتو من هذا التوسع كممثل رئيسي في أوروبا. يمثل الناتو ، الذي يمثل توحيد أوروبا الغربية خلال حقبة الحرب الباردة ، اندماج أوروبا ككل في فترة ما بعد الحرب الباردة.

Despite the positives said in favor of NATO expansion, it is also criticized. In fact, the role of NATO violates the role of the United Nations with regard to peacekeeping, mutual cooperation, etc.

It must be understood that the United Nations was founded as an international organization aimed at world peace, while the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded. regional organization.

But despite this, the role of NATO in establishing peace in the international context parallels the role of the United Nations. And now the US Senate has passed a bill to give India the status of a NATO ally.

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