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Digital Future Index – Digitization affects quality of life

Digital Future Index – Digitization affects quality of life

Countries with higher levels of digital skills and more active use of various digital technologies and services score higher in key quality of life indicators: productivity, profits, and innovation, according to the Microsoft Digital Future Index.

Digital Future Index - Digitization affects quality of life
Photo ISO, Pixels

“Conclusions from the Digital Future Index confirm that Poland has already established strong foundations for digital development. It is time for acceleration, driven primarily by human imagination, skills and technology ready for use by all generations.” Dominika Bateman, general manager of the Polish branch of Microsoft.

Effects of a $1 Billion Investment in the Polish Digital Valley 20 months ago, Microsoft announced that there are 200,000 trained IT professionals, three Azure Availability Zones in the Polish data processing region, and 60,000 people covered by the comprehensive My Digital Life education program. “The real power of innovation lies in people, and when it affects society as a whole, it is not just selected individuals. We must remember each person, because everyone has the right to technological development and the improvement of digital skills in order to participate actively in the transformation of the European economy”, stresses Dominica Bateman .

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Poland is highly advanced in digitizing public administration and the public sector, surpassing the Central and Eastern European average (14% above average). Along with the decision to invest in the development of the Polish Digital Valley, Microsoft has signed a strategic agreement with National Cloud, the purpose of which is to support local organizations in the process of digital transformation and innovation creation. As a result of joint actions, the public sector has become the beneficiary of digital acceleration.

“First of all, start-ups and other organizations for which technology has already become a major business lever are used. The cloud provides them with a flexible and scalable growth environment, thanks to which they can focus on their core business and conquer new markets,” says Michao Potocic, President of National Cloud. Innovators follow more traditional industries, but also public administration. This trend is already noticeable in Poland. The cloud-based model of providing solutions is often taken into account in connection with public procurement and these tasks are successfully performed. This is very good news, because it is impossible to build a modern economy and a modern country without technology. Thanks to investments like Microsoft, the pace of cloud adoption in our country has already begun to accelerate, and the most interesting projects are still waiting for us ”- he adds.

Analysis of the indicator shows that Poland has a high level of maturity compared to other countries in the use of telework (18% above average). Compared to Central and Eastern Europe, Polish companies also have a higher recruitment rate for IT talent (35% above average). Hundreds of Polish companies have decided to put technology at the center of their activities.

Competencies of digital Poles are below average in Central and Eastern Europe

Poland is 15% below the Central and Eastern European average in terms of the digital skills of the general public. These skills are closely related to higher profits, greater productivity and sustainability, so any investment in this field will bring significant benefits. The index also shows that deepening the digital talent base (24% below the regional average) is key to Poland’s economic growth.

One of the most important elements of Microsoft’s investment in Poland is to support Polish citizens in further developing their competencies. Since the announcement of the comprehensive investment plan, Microsoft has trained 200,000 Polish IT professionals. This is over 4 times more than initially assumed.

The most popular courses in Poland are in the field of Security and Compliance; The number of its participants has tripled over the past year (an increase of 205%). There is also a dynamic increase in the number of participants in training in modern work (69% increase), data and artificial intelligence (52%) and digital application innovation (21%).

Poland lags slightly behind the Central and Eastern European average in cloud technology use (9% below average). The index shows a clear correlation between the volume of cloud computing applications in individual countries and the level of digital maturity and economic competitiveness.

An important component of the dynamic deployment of cloud and digital culture in Poland is the creation of the Microsoft Data Processing District, which consists of three separate Azure access areas, appearing near Warsaw. Azure Availability Zones in Poland will allow customers to disperse their infrastructure and applications in order to increase flexibility and high availability. The Polish region will be part of our global infrastructure, which includes more than 60 declared regions with Microsoft Azure services available in more than 140 countries, connected to a network of more than 175,000 miles (280,000 km) of terrestrial and terrestrial fiber optics. The company has pledged to be powered by 100 percent renewable energy by 2025, including in its data centres.


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