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The market capitalization of Apple has exceeded the market value of 3 trillion dollars

The market capitalization of Apple has exceeded the market value of 3 trillion dollars

Apple on Monday became the first company in history to surpass the $3 trillion market capitalization level. At the end of yesterday’s session, shares of the smartphone manufacturer rose 2.5 percent.

On the first trading day of 2022, shares of the company from Silicon Valley reached a record high of $182.88 on the day. This means that Apple’s market value has exceeded $3 trillion.

Over the past year, the company’s shares have risen more than 41 percent.

At the end of trading, the company’s shares rose by 2.5 percent. to $182.01 and Apple’s market capitalization was $2.99 ​​trillion.

“This is an amazing achievement and definitely worth celebrating,” said Jake Dollarhead, CEO of Longbow Asset Management. “It just shows how far Apple has come, which most investors consider to be the dominant player,” he added.

The market rewards companies with strong foundations. Scott Wren, chief global market strategist at Wells Fargo Investment Institute, said companies that achieve such a huge market value have proven to be solid businesses rather than speculation.

Apple’s market capitalization has exceeded $3 trillion

So far, Apple and Microsoft have been in a club of companies valued at more than $2 trillion. Saudi Aramco is approaching these limits. In contrast, the market capitalization of companies such as Alphabet, Amazon and Tesla exceeds a trillion dollars.

Apple shares rose about 5800 percent. Since co-founder and former CEO of Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone in January 2007.

Under the leadership of Tim Cook, who became president of the company in 2011, Apple significantly increased its revenue from services such as Apple TV + and Apple Music. This giant helped reduce its reliance on iPhone sales to around 52 percent. Total revenue in fiscal year 2021 of more than 60 per cent. In 2018, this satisfied investors who were worried that the company was relying too much on its best-selling product.

Main image source: unsplash

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