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What is the IMEI number and how to find it (What is the IMEI number)

What is the IMEI number and how to find it (What is the IMEI number)

How to find IMEI number You must know this but do you know what is IMEI number and this thing may have crossed the minds of many when you were going to buy a new mobile phone. These numbers are generally related to the mobile phone itself, and they mainly differ from mobile phone to mobile phone.

When you see this number in your mobile for the first time, many questions may also come to your mind, but you will not get any exact answer to these questions. Now you don’t need to search anymore. Because today I gave complete information about IMEI number to you guys.

And one thing you think is this “ IMEI ” abbreviation How is it connected to your phone? Do you know its real work and why is it so important? FYI, let me tell you that all new mobile phones you buy have a unique IMEI number and cannot be changed.

Then what is the reason for the delay, let’s know that after all what is the IMEI number and why it is so important and how we can use this thing in our daily life, complete information about it.

What is the IMEI number

The full form of IMEI is the International Mobile Equipment Identity and this is the number that every mobile phone differs from any other mobile phone. Whenever you bought a new phone, you must have noticed this IMEI number on that box or receipt.

Or even if you have taken your mobile phone for repair, you must have noticed that the IMEI number is mentioned in the warranty and identification.

One 14 digit standard IMEI number Besides this, some extra check number is also added. Secondly IMEI / SV (SV stands for Software Version) 16 digits but this only happens in new mobile phones.

The IMEI number is no longer limited to the identity of the phone, it can even block the device. If your mobile phone is stolen, through this number you can also block your number by informing your local service provider. Police mostly use this number to locate stolen phones.

Sun 2004 henceforth the format is something like AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D and in this first two parts A and B are called Type Assignment Code (TAC) , which are directly related to the phone’s manufacturer and model.

For example, the TAC of the iPhone 5 is 01-332700 and the Samsung Galaxy S2 35-853704 and the second part called C is a unique serial number for all phones and decides the manufacturer of this mobile phone. And the last digit is the checksum, which is used to check the entire string.

What is the main function of the IMEI number?

If it is seen, then the main task of the IMEI number is to identify the mobile phone. But it also has other advantages such as preventing cell phone theft and helping police track mobile devices.

Since all mobile phones have a unique IMEI number, it cannot be changed, even if this thief is using another SIM card, even in this case he cannot use the mobile phone if it is blocked. IMEI number It is well encoded in the hardware components, as a result of which it is not easy to remove without spoiling the mobile phone.

If our mobile phone has been stolen before and if we file a complaint, our service provider has an option that they can blacklist this mobile by IMEI number and they can also track their exact location.

Can the government track your IMEI number?

The answer is yes. If there is something like that where the government will need your details, they can see our details. If there is an issue where your personal data is not available on your IMEI number, the government should track it down to get your information.

Even if you lost your mobile phone somewhere, you can still find your mobile phone by calling your service provider. If your mobile phone is on, it can be tracked very easily. One thing to remember is not to share your IMEI number with anyone else because hackers can also track your location.

How to find IMEI number

Now you must be thinking about how to find this IMEI number belongs to us what is the IMEI number so there is no such thing as stress, I will tell you how to find it. In Maximum Mobile *#06# enter your IMEI number.

But this mainly applies to old cell phones. So let’s know what to do for a new mobile to find out the IMEI number.

  • iOS (iPhone, LTE/3G iPad) : Do this Settings > General > About menu
  • Android : Do this ” session ” list below on the phone and
  • Older Sony or Sony Ericsson : Enter “ *right*left*left* on the keyboard
  • Blackberry or later from Sony Ericsson : Do this ” Options ” menu under ” Status “

If you want to check what your IMEI number reveals about your phone, you can check this website.

How to find the IMEI number in your mobile phone

In many cell phones, you can find the IMEI number by going to the setting of that cell phone. But if you want to find the IMEI number of the same mobile, you have to find it under the battery of that mobile phone or next to the battery of the mobile phone. This way you can locate your IMEI number in your mobile phone.

What did you learn today

I wish you guys what is IMEI number and how to find IMEI number give complete information about this mobile network technology and I hope you understand it.

I ask all readers that you also share this information in your neighborhood, relatives and friends, so that there is awareness among us and everyone benefits from it a lot. I need your cooperation so that I can pass on more new information to you guys.

I have always endeavored to help my readers or readers in all aspects, if you have any doubt whatsoever, you can ask me without any hesitation. I will definitely try to resolve these doubts.

This article for you what is IMEI Number (What is IMEI Number) and what it does and how did you like it, tell us by writing a comment so that we also get a chance to learn something from your ideas and improve something.

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