How to fix a damaged memory card?

How to fix a damaged memory card?
Have you ever fallen victim to a damaged memory card? Because this is a very common problem. In such a case, we are still just thinking about how to fix the corrupt memory card? As we approach the paperless age, the need and use of digital storage media is also increasing.
When it comes to storing personal data, people mostly rely on mobile data storage solutions with expanded capacity such as SD cards and memory cards.
Due to the development in digitization, SD cards have become a very convenient and inexpensive storage medium. Provides volatile storage as well as encryption capabilities to protect content.
Current newer SD cards are much faster and also have higher storage capacities. They are universally used in camcorders, music players, Android smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, and other portable devices.
But besides many advantages, it also has some disadvantages like SD cards are very prone to accidental damage, formatting or damage, which can also cause all your stored photos, videos and audio files to be lost. With this said, this situation initiates some error messages.
If it is not handled properly, it can also lead to a situation like permanent data loss, which makes SD card recovery difficult. Besides, memory cards have a very limited life, so after some time they must be corrupt or damaged.
How do you know if your SD card is damaged or not?
If you think that your SD card has been corrupted, you will definitely see some symptoms. Tell us about some of these symptoms that will definitely indicate that you are spoiled.
1. A black screen appears with this error message “ The SD card cannot be accessed and your file or directory is corrupt or unreadable.
2. The pictures in the SD cards are often not there or not showing up.
3. When you want to read the SD card by a system, it will not show any folder, or folders will not open and error messages like – “Error reading/writing on SD card”. It turns out that your device is not able to read the SD card anymore.
4. You should see error messages like ‘ Memory card error ‘ or ‘ Memory card is corrupted ‘ when you want to view your photos or videos.
5. If you can see your contents, you can see the SD card in your camera or in your system, but you can’t copy it even if you want, if you try, the disk is ‘ write-protected ‘ show the error message for ‘.
6. If your computer recognizes the SD card, but when you want to see the photos, it should show this message “SD card is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?”
7. When you cannot add, delete, copy or save any document (photos or videos) in the SD card.
8. If your memory card does not appear
9. If your memory card is not formatted
If there is any physical damage to your memory card then it is not easy to recover the data but if there is any logical error then it can be remedied by some simple methods, which we will know more about.
How to repair a memory card
Tell us about some of these easy ways in which a bad memory card can be fixed.
Fix 1 : Connect the SD card to any other device
There are many times when the device is unable to read the SD card due to incompatibility and issues with the driver. In such cases, you should check the SD card by connecting it to another device.
Fix 2: Try chkdsk so you can check for memory card errors
Type chkdsk after that, the drive letter, a colon, and then /F at the command prompt:
1. First insert the infected card into the card reader and then connect it to the system.
2. Then click on the “Start” option on the Windows taskbar and then select the “Computer” option.
3. Find your SD card under “Devices with Removable Storage” and make a note of the drive letter that is assigned.
4. Next, click on the “Start” option again and type “cmd” in the “Search” box.
5. Right click on “cmd” and then select the option “Run as administrator”.
6. After this command window opens, and if you want, you can repair the damaged memory card from here.
7. Next, type chkdsk Next you must type the drive letter that corresponds to the SD card, followed by a colon and then / f.
8. Once you press “Enter”, then Chx DSC checks all possible errors and tries to repair the damaged SD card. After that you have to follow the subsequent messages.
9. Finally, check the drive letter you assigned to your SD card to check if your files have been recovered or not.
Fix 3: Assign a new drive letter to the unreadable SD card
Connect your SD card to the system using a card reader, if your system does not assign a new drive letter, it cannot read it or the card is unreadable.
In some cases, the reader is also assigned a drive letter, but you still get the message “ Please insert the disc into drive E: ” which indicates that it can’t make your card work for it.
To solve this problem, you must assign a new drive letter to the connected card through the operating system settings.
Fix 4: You can use Sandisk’s built-in solution to recover deleted files from SD card.
If none of the files can be read, the directory will probably list all the file names, but those files cannot be accessed. Right-click on the drive letter and select “Properties”.
If you see the card view where nothing is visible in the used space and you think all this is free space, then either all the files have been deleted or the directory has been erased. In such a case, you can use the built-in Sandisk solution so that you can recover all the deleted files easily.
Fix 5: Format the SD Card
If you can read all the files but can’t save them, this card may be in write-protected mode. For this, you have to unlock the write protection switch so that you can save and modify the files on that card.
If you still can’t read or write from the card, your files may be lost or inaccessible. To fix this, you should use a disk diagnostic tool that works with memory cards as well.
Although you can access your card by reformatting it, doing so will remove all of your data from the card. Therefore, note that before formatting the SD card, you must restore all stored files or copy them to another card.
While in Android cameras and smartphones, you can use SD card recovery software so that you can easily recover all the files stored in the SD card.
These SD card recovery tools are available online which provide you the best and most accurate recovery results. You just have to use all the tools and recover your lost, deleted and inaccessible files from your SD card.
Fix 6: Reinstall the driver
If you wish, you can reinstall the drivers, for which you must follow these steps:
1. First, right-click on My Computer / This PC. Then click on the Manage option.
2. Then click on the Device Manager option located on the left side.
3. Double-click on the Drives option from the list. After that, right-click on the name of the removable drive.
4. Click Uninstall and then click OK.
5. Then disconnect the storage media and restart your computer.
6. Next, plug the SD card back in again. Your computer will definitely detect it.
Fix 7: Nothing worked? Yes, recovery software is the only solution!
When the SD card cannot be accessed and formatted, this stored data is mostly lost. But all the files are still in the same position of the card and they can also be easily restored with photo recovery software.
There are many photo recovery software available in the same market that are specifically designed to recover all your lost photos and other media files from their physical location and to make them visible.
To recover all files from SD card, you must make sure that your SD card is not physically damaged. In addition, note that do not use the SD card before recovery.
Some tips to protect the SD card!
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